About This Information

The instructions and examples included throughout this entire "help" site may be applicable for multiple devices. In some instances either Windows based or Non-Windows based diagnostic tools may be used as an example, and in other instances both may be shown and noted.

Information Included...

ScanBay Software Related Instructions for:

Installing and Updating the ScanBay Software on your Chrome sales PC
Updating / Activating and Recovering software on diagnostic tools
Pre-Paid Plan - Renewing and Changing

Customer Based Reference Information, such as :

Software upgrade instructions (using direct download and ShopStream Connect)
Diagnostic tool Wi-Fi connection instructions
ShopStream Connect, Security Link, Profile Manager, SureTrack, and Snap-on Cloud information


Windows - This refers to Windows based diagnostic tools (platforms).

Examples: ZEUS, and VERUS Edge

Non-WIndows - This refers to Non-Windows based diagnostic tools (platforms).

Examples: Current production diagnostic tools (platforms) belonging to these families, TRITON, APOLLO, MODIS, SOLUS and ETHOS

Software Upgrade - This refers to a new software version (e.g. Bundle 21.4.0 to 22.2.0)

Software Update- This refers to a new software service release.(e.g. Version 1.3.0937 to 1.4.0896)