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Subscription Opt-out Form - Franchisee

A Franchisee may call in or use this form to opt-out of the program. An opt-out confirmation email will be sent to the Franchisee once they have been removed from the system. If a Franchisee wishes to re-enroll in the program, the Franchisee must once again 'accept' the subscription program agreement on the point-of-sale system.

First Name: *
Last Name: *
Dealer #: *
BP #:  *
Street Address 1:  *
Street Address 2:
City:  *
State, Zip:  *   *
Reason for leaving the program:  *
If Other:


Although you are choosing to opt-out of the program, you will continue to receive commission on active subscription customers on your route unless they move or choose to no longer participate in the program. You are welcome to continue to deliver their software upgrades even though you have decided to no longer sell new subscriptions.*

Check one of the boxes below to indicate customer support requirements:

 I will continue to deliver software subscription upgrades to customers on my route who are currently enrolled in the Snap-on® software subscription program.
 Please provide current subscription customers with an alternate means to obtain future software subscription upgrades.

*Refer to your Franchisee Subscription Program Agreement for additional details.


By pressing the Submit button, you are opting out of the Snap-on Software Subscription Program and agreeing to the subscription software customer delivery option selected.