Meet Brent and Dawn Auxier, owners of B&D Tools, LLC. They're a successful franchisee business in Franklin County, Kentucky. Like most successful business people, they are goal setters. At kickoff 2023, they set two goals for their business: First, they wanted to grow diagnostic sales in a major way. Secondly, they decided to incorporate social media to excite their market and educate customers. At the close of week 10, they are at 14 FTAs. Wow, just from setting goals? No, a goal is just a dream without a plan and they had a solid one.

They liked the diagnostic plan at kickoff so they ordered the pack. Brent started to market the Traxxas drawing right away while using Speedway tickets.
They came up with a very creative additional reason to buy now: Buy a diagnostic tool today and get a complimentary Bourbon Barrel end table.
Meanwhile, their social media campaign is running full steam ahead. They do a weekly video highlighting new items on the store, promotions, trade-ins, etc. Then they add pictures throughout the week, of happy customers who just made an investment in a Snap-on tool. Brent took the initiative to do a video of himself doing a Fast-Track Intelligent Diagnostics video and posted it on their page, too. What a way to educate customers on the capabilities available to grow their cash flow and skills! The day following that post, a customer who normally doesn't usually set foot into their store, stepped in and bought a ZEUS+.
Another popular spot on social media and the store is what the Auxier's call “Mammas Corner.” Dawn organizes a corner of the store with marked down product and special offers to entise clients. Brent states that customers check that section first each week- it's a hit.
The family business also employs their grandbabies Brayden and Bristol. Brayden is in charge of drawing winning tickets and revealing power 10 winners. As importantly, he is the candy dispersal director. Bristol, their young grandbaby, is completely in charge of cuteness.

A sincerest Congratulations Brent and Dawn! Great job executing plans and achieving your goals, Auxier family. Thank you for sharing with our Snap-on community.